Location: 41.77168°N 71.3904°W
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Site Description: This site is located in the Edgewood neighborhood of Cranston, close to Stillhouse Cove and next to Narragansett Boulevard. It can be found at the cross street of Stefton Drive. Stormwater enters a vegetated and grassy depression called a bio retention basin through a storm drain on Narragansett Boulevard. This storm drain has an underground collection area that removes sand, debris, and trash before the stormwater flows into the first grassy depression. To keep the basin working properly, it’s important to prevent sand and silt from accumulating. If too much sediment builds up, the stormwater won’t be able to drain effectively, and the soil won’t be able to remove pollutants. The soil in the basin acts as a filter to clean the stormwater. If the basin reaches full capacity, excess stormwater is relieved through a grated concrete overflow on Strathmore Drive. After a rainstorm, the stormwater captured in the basin should be absorbed into the soil within 24-48 hours.
Photo-Video Tips: To take photos or videos, stand near the corner of Stefton Drive and Narragansett Boulevard. Look downstream towards Stillhouse Cove and capture the stormwater flowing into the bio retention basin through the storm drain on Narragansett Boulevard. Additionally, you can capture footage of the stormwater in the bio retention basin itself. These shots will help confirm that the system is working as intended.
Observation on 3/17/2025: 2:49pm -
How recently did it rain: Within the last hour
How heavy was that rain: Moderate Rain
Is anything preventing water from flowing into the system (e.g., debris, trash, vegetation): Yes
Is there standing water in the system: Yes
Observation on 3/17/2025: 1:55pm -
How recently did it rain: Raining at the time
How heavy was that rain: Heavy Rain
Is anything preventing water from flowing into the system (e.g., debris, trash, vegetation): Partially
Is there standing water in the system: Yes

Observation on 12/11/2024: 1:29pm -
How recently did it rain: Raining at the time
How heavy was that rain: Heavy Rain
Is anything preventing water from flowing into the system (e.g., debris, trash, vegetation): Yes
Is there standing water in the system: Yes

Observation on 11/26/2024: 1:08pm -
How recently did it rain: Raining at the time
How heavy was that rain: Moderate Rain
Is anything preventing water from flowing into the system (e.g., debris, trash, vegetation): No
Is there standing water in the system: Yes

Observation on 11/21/2024: 2:15pm -
How recently did it rain: Raining at the time
How heavy was that rain: Heavy Rain
Is anything preventing water from flowing into the system (e.g., debris, trash, vegetation): Partially
Is there standing water in the system: Yes
Runoff entry grate slightly obstructed by leaves. Otherwise clear and appeared to be functioning. After several hours of heavy rain.
UPLOAD NOTE: Videos appear to upload but freeze during end of upload. Tried on phone and computer. I have uploaded to a wetransfer link for the time being: https://we.tl/t-Smvs5ifZQb