82 Dana St – Bioswale

Address: 82 Dana St., Providence

Owner: City of Providence - Groundwork Rhode Island

Type: Bioswale

Location of 82 Dana St – Bioswale

Location: 41.84557°N 71.3977°W
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Site Description: This site is located in the Mount Hope neighborhood of Providence and is a Groundwork Rhode Island designed and operated urban bioswale. The bioswale is a long channel or trench that contains vegetation, soil, mulch, or stones to slow down rainwater and filter out pollutants. Stormwater enters the site through a break in the curb along Dana St and accumulates in the low depression made up of rock, soil, grasses, and plants. The soil and grass serve as a filtering mechanism to clean pollutants from the stormwater as it drains into the ground. When the system reaches full capacity, excess stormwater will drain back onto Dana St. The captured stormwater should absorb into the soil within 24-48 hours after a rainstorm.

Photo-Video Tips: Stand near the curb cut opening on Dana St and document with video whether stormwater is flowing into the curb cut opening. Also, document if the bioswale is full of water and draining properly.

Reports 1 to 5 of 7

Observation on 3/24/2025: 3:05pm -

How recently did it rain: Raining at the time

How heavy was that rain: Moderate Rain

Is anything preventing water from flowing into the system (e.g., debris, trash, vegetation): Partially

Is there standing water in the system: Yes


Construction is going on near the site.

Observation on 5/16/2024: 11:00am -

How recently did it rain: Within the last hour

How heavy was that rain: Moderate Rain

Is anything preventing water from flowing into the system (e.g., debris, trash, vegetation): Yes

Is there standing water in the system: Yes


Debris and mulch is blocking the inlet, and the grade is too steep for water to reach treatment area during a moderate rainstorm. Most water bypassing system. Talked to homeowner and she noted that there were upstream issues as her neighbors’ landscape was eroding and washing sand and mulch into the system — picture included. Homeowner was in process of removing debris when I arrived. She is interested in having the system retrofitted.

Observation on 9/18/2023: 1:25pm -

How recently did it rain: Raining at the time

How heavy was that rain: Heavy Rain

Is anything preventing water from flowing into the system (e.g., debris, trash, vegetation): Yes

Is there standing water in the system: Yes


The design of the system is poor. water has to flow uphill to get into the feature the entry way is too high up

Observation on 8/25/2023: 10:10am -

How recently did it rain: Raining at the time

How heavy was that rain: Light Shower

Is anything preventing water from flowing into the system (e.g., debris, trash, vegetation): No

Is there standing water in the system: No


Drizzly day no water running in the streets though may have been a little previously

Observation on 7/10/2023: 1:28pm -

How recently did it rain: Raining at the time

How heavy was that rain: Light Shower

Is anything preventing water from flowing into the system (e.g., debris, trash, vegetation): No

Is there standing water in the system: No

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