Location: 41.81752°N 71.44364°W
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How recently did it rain: Raining at the time
How heavy was that rain: Moderate Rain
Is anything preventing water from flowing into the system (e.g., debris, trash, vegetation): No
Is there standing water in the system: Yes
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Weather Data
Precipitation Data from nearby CoCoRaHS stations:
9/10/2023 | 0.66” at station: RI-PR-82 (1.68 miles N) | 0.00” at station: RI-PR-112 (2.34 miles SW) | 0.51” at station: RI-PR-67 (2.81 miles NE) |
9/11/2023 | 2.02” at station: RI-PR-82 (1.68 miles N) | 3.81” at station: RI-PR-112 (2.34 miles SW) | 2.11” at station: RI-PR-67 (2.81 miles NE) |
Note: CoCoRaHS data is usually collected between 6 and 8am so data listed as being from a given day are actually from 6 to 8am on that day through to 6 to 8am on the following day. Also, stations do not necessarily report every day so a station that has data on one date may not on another.
Precipitation Data from T.F.Green Airport (6.09 miles S)
Rainfall in the hour ending at the time listed.
9/10/2023 | 9/11/2023 | |
1am | 0” | 0” |
2am | 0” | 0” |
3am | 0” | 0” |
4am | 0” | 0” |
5am | 0” | 0” |
6am | 0” | |
7am | 0” | |
8am | 0” | |
9am | 0” | |
10am | 0” | |
11am | 0” | |
12am | 0.118” | |
1pm | 0” | |
2pm | 0.012” | |
3pm | 0.402” | |
4pm | 0” | |
5pm | 0” | |
6pm | 0.031” | |
7pm | 0” | |
8pm | 0” | |
9pm | 0” | |
10pm | 0” | |
11pm | 0” | |
12pm | 0 |