Location: 41.79594°N 71.4152°W
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Site Description: Located in south Providence, this site is Groundwork Rhode Island designed and operated urban bioswale. A bioswale is a long channel or trench that has vegetation (such as grasses, flowers, and shrubs) and soil, mulch, or stones to slow down rainwater and filter out pollutants. Stormwater enters the site through a break in the curb along Warrington St. Stormwater then accumulates or ponds in the low depression made up of rock, soil, grasses and plants. The soil and grass act as the filtering mechanism to clean pollutants from the stormwater as it drains into the ground. When the system reaches full capacity, excess stormwater will drain through the overflow pipe located within the bioswale. The captured stormwater should absorb into the soil within 24-48 hours after a rain storm.
Photo-Video Tips: Stand near the curb cut opening on Warrington St. Document with video whether stormwater is flowing into the curb cut opening. Also document if the bioswale is full of water and draining properly.
Observation on 10/21/2023: 5:15pm -
How recently did it rain: Raining at the time
How heavy was that rain: Heavy Rain
Is anything preventing water from flowing into the system (e.g., debris, trash, vegetation): Yes
Is there standing water in the system: Yes
Mostly leaves and mud blocking the flow. Once moved, you can see oil on water entering the swale. Second video shows most water going further downhill into the storm drain.
Observation on 7/10/2023: 1:25pm -
How recently did it rain: Within the last hour
How heavy was that rain: Heavy Rain
Is anything preventing water from flowing into the system (e.g., debris, trash, vegetation): Yes
Is there standing water in the system: Yes
Needs maintenance